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10 Amazing Facts About Birds You Probably Didn't Know

Published: at 03:02 PM

Birds are among the most captivating animals on Earth. From their incredible migration patterns to their amazing color vision, birds are full of surprises. Here are 10 fascinating facts about our feathered friends that will give you a whole new appreciation for them!

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1. Arctic Terns Have the Longest Migration

Arctic Tern

Every year, Arctic Terns undertake one of the longest migrations of any bird species. They travel from the Arctic all the way to Antarctica and back, covering a staggering distance that’s equivalent to three round trips to the moon over a lifetime!

2. Hummingbirds Can Fly Backwards


Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards, thanks to their uniquely structured wings. They can flap their wings 20 to 80 times per second, allowing them to hover, fly sideways, and even upside down.

3. Swifts Are Incredible Aerialists


Swifts spend most of their lives in the air - they even sleep and mate on the wing! These amazing birds navigate using star constellations, light polarization patterns, and magnetic fields during their long migrations.

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4. Flamingos Get Their Pink Color From Their Diet


A flamingo’s bright pink feathers come from the carotenoid pigments in the algae and shrimp they eat. The more pigment they consume, the pinker they get. They also produce a special oil to coat their feathers and protect them from sun bleaching.

5. Ravens Can Mimic Human Speech


Ravens are highly intelligent birds that can mimic a variety of sounds, including human speech. They’ve been taught to say “hello”, “go to your perch” and more. Ravens also mimic other animals and sounds like car engines to distract predators.

6. Crows Are Master Problem Solvers


Crows are incredibly smart. They can use tools, plan for the future, and solve complex puzzles. One crow named “007” completed an 8-stage puzzle in the correct order! Crows also understand cause and effect and have been seen using cars to crack open nuts.

7. Flamingos Are Born Gray

Baby Flamingo

Baby flamingos are gray or white, not pink. They only turn pink once they start eating a diet rich in carotenoids. The strength of a flamingo’s pink color indicates its health and fitness to potential mates.

8. Flamingos Are Filter Feeders

Flamingo Feeding

Flamingos eat by holding their heads upside down in the water and using their beaks to filter feed on algae, shrimp, and other small aquatic creatures. Their feet stir up the mud to uncover more food as they sweep their heads side to side.

9. Hummingbirds Fly in Figure 8 Patterns


A hummingbird’s wings move in a figure 8 pattern, which allows them to fly forwards, backwards, sideways, and hover. No other bird can fly backwards like hummingbirds can thanks to this unique wing motion.

10. Birds See Colors We Can’t Even Imagine

Bird Vision

Birds are tetrachromats, meaning they have four types of color-sensitive cone cells in their eyes, compared to just three in humans. This extra cone allows birds to see ultraviolet light and many more colors than we can, which helps them find food and mates.